活動時間:2025/01/01至202/04/30 適用國家:美國 適用課程:一般/半密集/密集,考試類,學年/學期課程 活動內容: USA・CANADA・UK・MALTA・SOUTH AFRICA 15% discount on tuition on bookings of 1-23weeks 20% discount on tuition on bookings of 24 or more weeks IRELAND You can chose from ① Tuition Discount OR ② 25 weeks course package. ①Tuition Discount 15% discount on tuition on bookings of 1-23 weeks 20% discount on tuition on bookings of 24 or more weeks OR, ②25 weeks course package for students aged under 30 & over 30 ‧ €4800 for 25 weeks of (GE20 + Reg fee + Health Insurance covering 32 weeks + Exam fee + Learner Protection fee) ‧ €4950 for 25 weeks of (GE20 + Reg fee + Health Insurance covering 32 weeks + Exam fee + Learner Protection fee) - guaranteed morning timetable (students aged over 30 will be placed in classes with students aged under 30) 特殊注意事項: 1.學費優惠適用於2025 年 4 月 30 日前收到的預訂。 2.EC 都柏林 : 選擇①學費折扣或② 25週課程包。 3.適用於一對一之外的所有 EC 課程, 4.僅限團體課程。一對一、EC Escape、YL 和迷你團體課程不包括在內。 5.課程開始日期:2025 年 12 月31日前。 6.其他細節及優惠,請洽留學家顧問。 7.以上學費優惠,均以學校官方報價為準~ 更新日期2025/02/12